Winter 2025

AAS 10 - Intro/African-American Studies - LE [A00]
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Butler, Elizabeth Annette
AAS 11 - Intro Black Diasporic Studies - LE [A00]
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Butler, Elizabeth Annette
ANAR 164 SIO 164 - Underwater Archaeology - LE [A00]
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Clark, Loren Rachel
ANBI 130 - Biology of Inequality - LE [A00]
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Non, Amy L
ANSC 101A - KoreanWaveMedia&CulturalChange - SE [A00]
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Kang, Byung Chu
ANSC 125 - Gender, Sexuality, & Society - LE [A00]
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Brenner, Suzanne A
ANSC 146 GLBH 146 - Global Health Persp/HIV - LE [A00]
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Kang, Byung Chu
ANSC 148 GLBH 148 - Global Health&Cultrl Diversity - LE [A00]
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Schonberg, Jeffrey
ANSC 150 GLBH 150 - Culture and Mental Health - LE [A00]
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Sloane, Julia Kathryn
ANSC 164 - Intro to Medical Anthropology - LE [A00]
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Stewart, Alexander B
ANSC 184 - Food, Culture, and Society - SE [A00]
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Fortier, Jana
ANTH 23 - Debating Multiculturalism - LE [A00]
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Stewart, Alexander B
ANTH 106 - Climate and Civilization - LE [A00]
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Sloane, Julia Kathryn
ANTH 111 - Religion&Ecology/Anthropocene - LE [A00]
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Bialecki, Jon Anthony
ASTR 3 - Planetary Systems Near and Far - LE [A00]
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Trumbo, Samantha Kathleen
ASTR 20B - Intro to Astrophysics II - LE [A00]
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Konopacky, Quinn Morgan
ASTR 102 - Electrodynam&Optics/Astrophys - LE [A00]
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Diamond, Patrick H
ASTR 105 - Fund. of Quantum Mechanics - LE [A00]
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Boggs, Steven Edward
BENG 1 - Introduction to Bioengineering - LE [A00]
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Sah, Robert Lie-Yuan
BENG 112A - Soft Tissue Biomechanics - LE [A00]
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Schmid-Schoenbein, Geert W
BENG 168 - Biomolecular Engineering - DI [A01]
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Shi, Lingyan
BENG 168 - Biomolecular Engineering - LE [A00]
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Shi, Lingyan
BENG 189 - Physiological Systems Eng - LE [A00]
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Contijoch, Francisco
BGGN 216 - Graduate Biostatistics - LE [A00]
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Mueller, Liam O'Connor
BGGN 293 - Scientific Writing in Biology - LE [A00]
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Tour, Ella
BGGN 293 - Scientific Writing in Biology - LE [B00]
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Petrie, Katherine Lynn
BIBC 100 - Structural Biochemistry - DI [A01]
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Hui, Enfu
BIBC 100 - Structural Biochemistry - LE [A00]
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Hui, Enfu
BIBC 102 - Metabolic Biochemistry - LE [A00]
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Feng, Gen-Sheng
BIBC 102 - Metabolic Biochemistry - LE [B00]
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Dickinson, Alexandra Jazz
BIBC 103 - Biochemical Techniques - LE [C00]
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Burg, Michael
BIBC 120 - Nutrition - LE [A00] Hampton, Randolph Y.
BIBC 194 - Adv Topics-Biochemistry - SE [A00]
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Hui, Enfu
BICD 100 - Genetics - LE [A00]
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Troemel, Emily Ruth
BICD 100 - Genetics - LE [B00]
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Grossman, Emily N
BICD 100 - Genetics - LE [C00]
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Grossman, Emily N
BICD 110 - Cell Biology - LE [A00]
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Chaim, Isaac
BICD 110 - Cell Biology - LE [B00]
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Manor, Uri
BICD 120 - Molecular Basis of Plant Dev - LE [A00]
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Estelle, Mark
BIEB 102 - Intro Eclgy/Organisms&Habitats - LE [A00]
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Jackrel, Sara
BIEB 134 SIO 134 - Intro/Biological Oceanography - LE [A00]
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Barton, Andrew David
BIEB 140 - Biodiversity - LE [A00]
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Roy, Kaustuv
BIEB 152 - Evol of Infectious Diseases - LE [A00]
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Wodarz, Dominik Franz Xave
BIEB 156 - Evolution and Society - LE [A00]
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Rose, Noah Hartmann
BILD 1 - The Cell - LE [A00]
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Ochoa Mikrut, Stacy Daniel
BILD 1 - The Cell - LE [B00] Madigan, Cressida Ariana
BILD 1 - The Cell - LE [C00]
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Cooper, Andrew Michael
BILD 2 - Multicellular Life - LE [A00]
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Owens, Melinda Tsao-Ying
BILD 2 - Multicellular Life - LE [B00]
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Owens, Melinda Tsao-Ying
BILD 2 - Multicellular Life - LE [C00]
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Su, Chih-Ying
BILD 3 - Organismic&Evolutionary Biol - LE [A00]
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Hammond, LaTisha Marie
BILD 3 - Organismic&Evolutionary Biol - LE [B00]
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Hammond, LaTisha Marie
BILD 3 - Organismic&Evolutionary Biol - LE [D00]
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Kurle, Carolyn M.
BILD 4 - Introductory Biology Lab - LE [A00]
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Gonzalez Gamboa, Ivonne
BILD 4 - Introductory Biology Lab - LE [C00]
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Ochoa Mikrut, Stacy Daniel
BILD 4 - Introductory Biology Lab - LE [D00]
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Lo, Stanley M.
BILD 5 - Data Analysis/Design for Bio - LE [A00]
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Mueller, Liam O'Connor
BILD 5 - Data Analysis/Design for Bio - LE [B00]
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Reuther, Keefe
BILD 22 - Human Nutrition - LE [A00]
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Strause, Linda G.
BILD 62 - Intro to Python for Biologists - LE [A00]
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Juavinett, Ashley Lauren
BIMM 100 - Molecular Biology - LE [A00]
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Cook-Andersen, Heidi Leigh
BIMM 101 - Recombinant DNA Techniques - LE [B00] Tour, Ella
BIMM 101 - Recombinant DNA Techniques - LE [E00]
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Rusert, Jessica Marie
BIMM 112 - Regulatn/Eucarytc Gene Exp - LE [A00]
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Kadonaga, James T
BIMM 121 - Microbiology Laboratory - LE [A00]
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Gustafson-Brown, Cindy
BIMM 134 - Biology of Cancer - LE [A00]
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Burg, Michael
BIPN 100 - Human Physiology I - DI [B01]
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Reyes Gonzalez, Catalina
BIPN 100 - Human Physiology I - LE [A00]
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Maita, Isabella Vincenza
BIPN 100 - Human Physiology I - LE [B00]
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Reyes Gonzalez, Catalina
BIPN 100 - Human Physiology I - LE [C00]
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Marino, Marc J
BIPN 100 - Human Physiology I - LE [D00]
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Yang, Mingyu
BIPN 102 - Human Physiology II - LE [A00]
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Reyes Gonzalez, Catalina
BIPN 140 - Cellular Neurobiology - LE [A00]
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Lovett-Barron, Matthew Rod
BIPN 145 - Neurobiology Laboratory - LE [A00]
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Juavinett, Ashley Lauren
BIPN 145 - Neurobiology Laboratory - LE [B00]
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Maita, Isabella Vincenza
BIPN 145 - Neurobiology Laboratory - LE [C00]
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Marino, Marc J
BIPN 160 - Neuroanatomy - LE [A00]
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Root, Cory Matthew
CENG 101A - Introductory Fluid Mechanics - LE [A00]
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Spang, Martin Thomas
CENG 101B - Heat Transfer - LE [A00]
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Liu, Ping
CENG 102 - Chemical Engin Thermodynamics - LE [A00]
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Powell, Alyssa
CENG 102 - Chemical Engin Thermodynamics - LE [B00]
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Powell, Alyssa
CENG 114 NANO 114 - Prob and Stat Methods for Eng - LE [A00]
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Jahed Motlagh, Zeinab
CENG 124A - Chem Plant & Process Design I - LE [A00]
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Drews, Aaron
CENG 124A - Chem Plant & Process Design I - LE [B00]
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Russ, Benjamin Edward
CENG 134 CHEM 134 NANO 134 - Polymeric Materials - LE [A00]
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Pokorski, Jonathan Kyle
CENG 176A - Chem Engineerng Process Lab I - LE [A00]
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Opatkiewicz, Justin Paul
CENG 176A - Chem Engineerng Process Lab I - LE [B00]
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Zhang, Liangfang
CENG 214 NANO 204 - Nanoscale Physics & Modeling - LE [A00]
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Li, Wan-Lu
CENG 215 NANO 205 - Nanosystems Integration - LE [A00]
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Jokerst, Jesse Vincent
CENG 221B - Mass Transfer - LE [A00]
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Spang, Martin Thomas
CENG 251 - Thermodynamics - LE [A00]
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Pascal, Tod A
CENG 252 - Chemical Reaction Engineering - LE [A00]
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Chen, Zheng
CHEM 6A - General Chemistry I - LE [A00]
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Lam, Tin Yiu
CHEM 6A - General Chemistry I - LE [B00]
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Lam, Tin Yiu
CHEM 6B - General Chemistry II - LE [B00]
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Sailor, Michael Joseph
CHEM 6B - General Chemistry II - LE [H00]
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Young, Mark
CHEM 6B - General Chemistry II - LE [I00]
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Young, Mark
CHEM 6BH - Honors General Chemistry II - DI [A01]
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Yuen Zhou, Joel
CHEM 6BH - Honors General Chemistry II - LE [A00]
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Yuen Zhou, Joel
CHEM 6C - General Chemistry III - LE [B00]
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Albizati, Kim F.
CHEM 7L - General Chemistry Laboratory - LE [A00]
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Leigh, Brian
CHEM 7L - General Chemistry Laboratory - LE [B00]
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Leigh, Brian
CHEM 7L - General Chemistry Laboratory - LE [C00]
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Leigh, Brian
CHEM 40A - Organic Chem for Life Sci I - LE [A00]
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Cohen, Seth M
CHEM 40B - Organic Chem for Life Sci II - LE [A00]
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Weizman, Haim
CHEM 40B - Organic Chem for Life Sci II - LE [B00]
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Romero, Erik Anthony
CHEM 40B - Organic Chem for Life Sci II - LE [C00]
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Pun, Andrew Brian
CHEM 41A - Organic I- Struct & React - LE [A00]
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Yang, Jerry
CHEM 41B - Organic II- React & Synth - LE [A00]
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Theodorakis, Emmanuel
CHEM 43A - Organic Chemistry Laboratory - LE [A00]
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Figueroa, Joshua
CHEM 43A - Organic Chemistry Laboratory - LE [B00] Tor, Yitzhak
CHEM 100A - Analytical Chemistry Lab - LE [A00]
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Slade, Jonathan
CHEM 109 - Recombinant DNA Laboratory - LE [A00] Piercy, Marc Anthony
CHEM 114A - Biochemical Structure&Function - LE [A00] Komor, Alexis C
CHEM 114B - Biochem Energetics&Metabolism - LE [A00]
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Budin, Itay
CHEM 114B - Biochem Energetics&Metabolism - LE [B00]
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Ghosh, Partho
CHEM 115 CHEM 215 - Genome Editing - LE [A00] Komor, Alexis C
CHEM 120A - Inorganic Chemistry I - LE [A00]
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Stauber, Julia Megan
CHEM 126A - Phys Biochem- Thermodynamics - LE [A00]
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Yong, Haiwang
CHEM 126B - Phys Biochem- Quantum Mech - LE [A00]
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Tauber, Michael
CHEM 131 - Chem Physics- Stat Thermo I - DI [A01]
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Zhao, Hongbo
CHEM 131 - Chem Physics- Stat Thermo I - LE [A00]
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Zhao, Hongbo
CHEM 143B - Organic Chemistry Lab II - LE [A00]
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Weizman, Haim
CHEM 151 - Molecules That Changed World - LE [A00]
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Donoghue, Daniel J.
CHEM 212 - Biochem&Biophys Cell Membranes - LE [A00]
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Budin, Itay
CHEM 213B - Biophysical Chem of Macromolec - LE [A00]
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Debelouchina, Galia T
CHEM 232A - Statistical Mechanics I - LE [A00]
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Yuen Zhou, Joel
CHIN 10BM - First-Yr Chinese/Mandarin II - LE [A00]
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Chen, Pei-Chia
CHIN 100BN - Third-Year Chinese II - LE [A00]
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Chen, Pei-Chia
COGS 1 - Introduction to Cognitive Sci - LE [A00]
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Kiyonaga, Anastasia
COGS 9 - Introduction to Data Science - LE [A00]
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Burrows, Dominic
COGS 10 - Cognitv Consequence/Technology - LE [A00]
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Morgan, Eric
COGS 11 - Minds & Brains - LE [A00]
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Boyle, Mary E. T.
COGS 13 - Fld Methods- Cognition in Wild - LE [A00]
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Kaufhold, Stephan Paul
COGS 14A - Intro. to Research Methods - LE [A00]
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Barrera, Steven James
COGS 14B - Intro. to Statistical Analysis - LE [A00]
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Hoffman, Drew Ellen
COGS 17 - Neurobiology of Cognition - LE [A00]
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Johnson, Christine M.
COGS 18 - Introduction to Python - LE [A00]
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Morgan, Eric
COGS 100 - Cyborgs Now and in the Future - LE [A00] Allen, Michael Gordon
COGS 101A - Sensation and Perception - LE [A00]
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Barrera, Steven James
COGS 101B - Learning, Memory and Attention - LE [A00] Allen, Michael Gordon
COGS 107A - Neuroanatomy and Physiology - LE [A00]
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Boyle, Mary E. T.
COGS 107B - Systems Neuroscience - LE [A00]
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Mooshagian, Eric Frederick
COGS 108 - Data Science in Practice - LE [A00]
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Ellis, Shannon Elizabeth
COGS 108 - Data Science in Practice - LE [B00]
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Ellis, Shannon Elizabeth
COGS 111 - Beauty and the Brain - LE [A00]
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Hoffman, Drew Ellen
COGS 115 - Neurologcl Devlp & Cogntv Chng - LE [A00]
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Deak, Gedeon O.
COGS 116 - Developmental Cog Neuroscience - LE [A00]
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Greene, Deanna Jacquelyn
COGS 118C - Neural Signal Processing - LE [A00]
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Mukamel, Eran A
COGS 144 - Social Cognition - LE [A00]
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Rossano, Federico
COGS 153 - Language Comprehension - LE [A00]
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Delgado, Tania
COGS 155 - Gesture and Cognition - LE [A00]
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Cooperrider, Kensy A
COGS 156 - Language Development - LE [A00]
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Creel, Sarah
COGS 158 - Bilingual Minds and Brains - LE [A00]
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Beatty-Martinez, Anne
COGS 164 - Neurobiology of Motivation - LE [A00]
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Chiba, Andrea
COGS 177 - Space and Time in the Brain - LE [A00]
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Tung, Janet C
COGS 187B - Practicum in Pro Web Design - DI [A01]
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Kirsh, David Joel
COGS 187B - Practicum in Pro Web Design - LE [A00]
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Kirsh, David Joel
COGS 188 - AI Algorithms - LA [A01] Fleischer, Jason G
COGS 188 - AI Algorithms - LE [A00] Fleischer, Jason G
COGS 189 - Brain Computer Interfaces - LE [A00]
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De Sa, Virginia
COMM 100C - Comm, Institutions & Power - LE [A00]
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Dewaard, Andrew Michael
COMM 106 - Intro to Media Industries - LE [A00]
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Kidman, Shawna F
COMM 114T - CSI- Science Communication - LE [A00]
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Walkover, Lillian B
COMM 134 - Media Audiences - SE [A00]
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Kidman, Shawna F
COMM 159 - Tourism, Power & Place - SE [A00]
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Cordoba Azcarate, Matilde
CSE 8A - Intro to Programming 1 - DI [A01]
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Alvarado, Christine J.
CSE 8A - Intro to Programming 1 - LE [A00]
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Alvarado, Christine J.
CSE 11 - Accel. Intro to Programming - LE [A00] Cao, Yingjun
CSE 12 - Basic Data Struct & OO Design - LE [A00] Cao, Yingjun
CSE 20 - Discrete Mathematics - LE [A00] Jones, Miles E
CSE 21 - Math/Algorithm&Systems Analys - LE [A00] Jones, Miles E
CSE 29 - Sys Prog and Software Tools - LE [A00] Soosai Raj, Adalbert Geral
CSE 29 - Sys Prog and Software Tools - LE [B00] Soosai Raj, Adalbert Geral
CSE 30 - Computer Organization - DI [A01]
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Chin, Bryan W.
CSE 30 - Computer Organization - LE [A00]
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Chin, Bryan W.
CSE 110 - Software Engineering - DI [A03] Griswold, William G.
CSE 110 - Software Engineering - LE [A00] Griswold, William G.
CSE 120 CSE 220 - Operating Systems Principles - DI [A01]
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Pasquale, Joseph
CSE 120 CSE 220 - Operating Systems Principles - LE [A00]
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Pasquale, Joseph
CSE 127 - Intro to Computer Security - LE [A00]
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Munyaka, Imani N. S.
CSE 130 - Progrmng Lang-Princpl&Paradigm - LE [A00]
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Jhala, Ranjit
CSE 132A - Database System Principles - DI [A01]
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Vianu, Victor Dan
CSE 132A - Database System Principles - LE [A00]
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Vianu, Victor Dan
CSE 140L - Digital Systems Laboratory - LE [A00]
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Eldon, John
CSE 142 - Comp Arch Software Perspective - LE [A00]
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Swanson, Steven James
CSE 150A - AI- Probabilistic Models - DI [A01]
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Solares, Edwin A
CSE 150A - AI- Probabilistic Models - LE [A00]
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Solares, Edwin A
CSE 151A - ML- Learning Algorithms - LE [A00] Shang, Jingbo
CSE 151B CSE 251B - Deep Learning - LE [A00] Cottrell, Garrison W
CSE 152A - Intro to Comp Vision I - LE [A00]
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Chandraker, Manmohan Krishna
CSE 156 - Statistical NLP - LE [A00]
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Qin, Lianhui
CSE 160 - Intro to Parallel Computing - DI [A01] Kastner, Ryan Charles
CSE 160 - Intro to Parallel Computing - LE [A00] Kastner, Ryan Charles
CSE 167 - Computer Graphics - DI [A01] Chern, Albert Ren-Haur
CSE 167 - Computer Graphics - LE [A00] Chern, Albert Ren-Haur
CSE 190 - Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - LE [A00]
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Bandeira, Nuno Filipe Cabrita
CSE 190 - Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - LE [B00]
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Shalev, Aaron D
CSE 190 - Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - LE [C00]
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Ousterhout, Amy
CSE 190 CSE 291 - Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - LE [D00] McAuley, Julian John
CSE 202 - Algorithm Design and Analysis - LE [A00]
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Impagliazzo, Russell
CSE 203B - Convex Optimization Algorithms - DI [A01]
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Cheng, Chung Kuan
CSE 203B - Convex Optimization Algorithms - LE [A00]
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Cheng, Chung Kuan
CSE 210 - Principle/Software Engineering - LE [A00]
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Coblenz, Michael J
CSE 230 - Principles/Program Languages - LE [A00]
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Jhala, Ranjit
CSE 234 - Data Systems for ML - LE [A00] Zhang, Hao
CSE 240A - Princ/Computer Architecture - LE [A00]
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Tullsen, Dean Michael
CSE 251A - ML- Learning Algorithms - DI [A01]
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Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor D
CSE 251A - ML- Learning Algorithms - LE [A00]
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Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor D
CSE 251C - ML- Machine Learning Theory - LE [A00]
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Dasgupta, Sanjoy
CSE 257 - Search and Optimization - LE [A00]
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Gao, Sicun
CSE 272 - Advanced Image Synthesis - LE [A00]
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Li, Tzumao
CSE 280A - Algorithms/Computational Biol - LE [A00]
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Bafna, Vineet
CSS 2 - Data/Model Programming- CSS - LE [A00]
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Mignozzetti, Umberto
DOC 2 - Justice - LE [A00]
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Strom, Megan C.
DOC 2 - Justice - LE [B00]
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Strom, Megan C.
DOC 2 - Justice - LE [C00]
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Solomon, Amanda Lee Albaniel
DOC 2 - Justice - LE [D00]
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Villegas, Karen Eliza
DSC 10 - Principles of Data Science - LE [A00] Tiefenbruck, Janine LoBue
DSC 10 - Principles of Data Science - LE [B00] Tiefenbruck, Janine LoBue
DSC 20 - Prgrmng/DataStruc for Data Sci - DI [A01]
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Langlois, Marina
DSC 20 - Prgrmng/DataStruc for Data Sci - DI [B01]
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Langlois, Marina
DSC 20 - Prgrmng/DataStruc for Data Sci - LE [A00]
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Langlois, Marina
DSC 20 - Prgrmng/DataStruc for Data Sci - LE [B00]
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Langlois, Marina
DSC 30 - DataStrc/Algrthms for Data Sci - LE [A00]
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Liao, Soohyun Nam
DSC 30 - DataStrc/Algrthms for Data Sci - LE [B00]
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Liao, Soohyun Nam
DSC 40B - Theor Fndtns of Data Sci II - DI [A01]
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Wang, Yusu
DSC 40B - Theor Fndtns of Data Sci II - LE [A00]
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Wang, Yusu
DSC 80 - Practice of Data Science - LE [A00]
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Watson-Parris, Duncan
DSC 95 - Tutor Appshp in Data Science - LE [A00]
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Langlois, Marina
DSC 100 - Intro to Data Management - LE [A00]
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Salimi, Babak
DSC 106 - Intro to Data Visualization - LE [A00]
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Lau, Samuel Ethan
DSC 106 - Intro to Data Visualization - LE [B00]
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Lau, Samuel Ethan
DSC 140A - Probabilistic Modeling and ML - LE [A00]
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Eldridge, Justin Matthew
DSC 140A - Probabilistic Modeling and ML - LE [B00]
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Eldridge, Justin Matthew
DSC 140B - Representation Learning - DI [A01]
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Huang, Biwei
DSC 140B - Representation Learning - LE [A00]
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Huang, Biwei
DSC 148 - Introduction to Data Mining - LE [A00] Shang, Jingbo
DSC 170 - Spatial Data Science and Appl - LE [A00]
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Zaslavsky, Ilya
DSC 190 DSC 291 - Topics in Data Science - LE [C00]
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Mishne, Gal
DSC 202 - Data Mgt for Data Science - LE [A00]
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Gupta, Amarnath
DSC 206 - Algorithms for Data Science - LE [A00]
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Mazumdar, Arya
DSC 211 - Introduction to Optimization - LE [A00]
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Wang, Jun-Kun
DSC 291 - Topics in Data Science - LE [D00] Li, Aobo
ECE 5 - Intro to ECE - LE [A00]
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Morris, Karcher William
ECE 15 - Eng Computation- Prgrm in C - DI [A01]
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Sahay, Rajeev
ECE 15 - Eng Computation- Prgrm in C - LE [A00]
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Sahay, Rajeev
ECE 25 - Introduction to Digital Design - DI [A01]
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Morris, Karcher William
ECE 25 - Introduction to Digital Design - LE [A00]
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Morris, Karcher William
ECE 35 - Introduction to Analog Design - LE [A00]
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Schurgers, Curt
ECE 45 - Circuits and Systems - DI [A01]
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Heath Jr., Robert Wendell
ECE 45 - Circuits and Systems - LE [A00]
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Heath Jr., Robert Wendell
ECE 65 - Components & Circuits Lab - LE [A00]
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Baghdadchi, Saharnaz
ECE 101 - Linear Systems Fundamentals - LE [A00]
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Gonzalez Prelcic, Nuria
ECE 102 - Intro/Active Circuit Design - DI [A01]
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Le, Hanh-Phuc
ECE 102 - Intro/Active Circuit Design - LE [A00]
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Le, Hanh-Phuc
ECE 103 - Fundamntls/Devices & Materials - DI [A01]
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Lo, Yu-Hwa
ECE 107 - Electromagnetism - LE [A00]
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Fullerton, Eric E
ECE 109 - Engineering Probability&Stats - DI [A01]
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Poveda Fonseca, Jorge
ECE 109 - Engineering Probability&Stats - LE [A00]
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Poveda Fonseca, Jorge
ECE 111 - Advanced Digital Design Proj - LE [A00]
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Eldon, John
ECE 121B - Energy Conversion - LE [A00]
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Esmaili, Gholamreza
ECE 125A - Intro to Power Electronics I - DI [A01]
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Le, Hanh-Phuc
ECE 125A - Intro to Power Electronics I - LE [A00]
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Le, Hanh-Phuc
ECE 128B - Renewable Energy & Power Grid - LE [A00]
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Esmaili, Gholamreza
ECE 161B - Digital Signal Processing I - DI [A01]
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Nguyen, Truong Quang
ECE 161B - Digital Signal Processing I - LE [A00]
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Nguyen, Truong Quang
ECE 172A - Introductn/Intelligent Systems - DI [A01]
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Parhi, Rahul
ECE 172A - Introductn/Intelligent Systems - LE [A00]
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Parhi, Rahul
ECE 175A - Pattrn Recogn and Machine Lrng - LE [A00]
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Vasconcelos, Nuno
ECE 176 - Intro Deep Learning & Apps - LE [A00] Wang, Xiaolong
ECE 222B - App Electmag/Electromagnetics - LE [A00]
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Lomakin, Vitaliy
ECE 226 - Optimize&Accelerate/Platforms - LE [A00]
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Koushanfar, Farinaz
ECE 238A MAE 271A MATS 201A NANO 265 - Thermodynamics of Solids - LE [A00]
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Luo, Jian
ECE 250 - Random Processes - DI [A01]
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Siegel, Paul H.
ECE 250 - Random Processes - LE [A00]
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Siegel, Paul H.
ECE 251A SIOC 207B - Digital Signal Processing I - LE [A00]
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Meyer, Florian
ECE 260B - VLSI Integr Cmputing Circuitry - LE [A00]
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Kang, Mingu
ECE 265A - Communication Circuit Design I - LE [A00]
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Gudem, Prasad S.S.
ECE 269 - Linear Algebra and Application - LE [A00]
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Touri, Behrouz
ECE 271B - Statistical Learning II - LE [A00]
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Vasconcelos, Manuela
ECE 276A - Sensing & Estimation Robotics - LE [A00] Atanasov, Nikolay A.
ECE 283 - Topics/Electr Circuits&Systems - LE [A00]
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Hsueh, Tzu-Chien
ECE 285 - Spec Topic/Signal&Imag/Robotic - LE [A00]
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Zheng, Yang
ECON 1 - Principles of Microeconomics - DI [C01]
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Newhouse, Herbert S
ECON 1 - Principles of Microeconomics - LE [A00]
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Crane, Meredith Helen
ECON 1 - Principles of Microeconomics - LE [B00]
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Crane, Meredith Helen
ECON 1 - Principles of Microeconomics - LE [C00]
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Newhouse, Herbert S
ECON 2 - Market Imperfections & Policy - LE [A00]
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Crane, Meredith Helen
ECON 4 MGT 4 - Financial Accounting - LE [A00]
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Levkoff, Steven B.
ECON 5 POLI 5D - Data Analytics/Social Sciences - LE [A00]
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Dai, Yinlin
ECON 5 POLI 5D - Data Analytics/Social Sciences - LE [B00]
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Dai, Yinlin
ECON 100A - Microeconomics A - DI [A01]
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Grigoryan, Aram
ECON 100A - Microeconomics A - LE [A00]
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Grigoryan, Aram
ECON 100B - Microeconomics B - LE [A00]
Restricted to Class
Levkoff, Steven B.
ECON 100C - Microeconomics C - DI [A01]
Restricted to Class
Newhouse, Herbert S
ECON 100C - Microeconomics C - DI [B01]
Restricted to Class
Newhouse, Herbert S
ECON 100C - Microeconomics C - LE [A00]
Restricted to Class
Newhouse, Herbert S
ECON 100C - Microeconomics C - LE [B00]
Restricted to Class
Newhouse, Herbert S
ECON 102 - Globalization - DI [A01]
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Muendler, Marc
ECON 102 - Globalization - LE [A00]
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Muendler, Marc
ECON 105 - Industrl Orgniztn&Firm Stratgy - LE [A00]
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Vespa, Emanuel Ignacio
ECON 109 - Game Theory - DI [A01]
Restricted to Class
Watson, Joel Christopher
ECON 109 - Game Theory - LE [A00]
Restricted to Class
Watson, Joel Christopher
ECON 110B - Short Run Macroeconomics - DI [A01] Hamilton, James D.
ECON 110B - Short Run Macroeconomics - DI [B01] Hamilton, James D.
ECON 110B - Short Run Macroeconomics - LE [A00] Hamilton, James D.
ECON 110B - Short Run Macroeconomics - LE [B00] Hamilton, James D.
ECON 120A - Econometrics A - DI [A02]
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Idoux, Clemence Marie
ECON 120A - Econometrics A - DI [B01]
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Candido, Maria Teresa
ECON 120A - Econometrics A - DI [C01]
Restricted to Class
Candido, Maria Teresa
ECON 120A - Econometrics A - LE [A00]
Restricted to Class
Idoux, Clemence Marie
ECON 120A - Econometrics A - LE [B00]
Restricted to Class
Candido, Maria Teresa
ECON 120A - Econometrics A - LE [C00]
Restricted to Class
Candido, Maria Teresa
ECON 120C - Econometrics C - DI [A01]
Restricted to Class
Candido, Maria Teresa
ECON 120C - Econometrics C - LE [A00]
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Candido, Maria Teresa
ECON 145 - Economics of Ocean Resources - LE [A00]
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Squires, Dale E
ECON 175 - InternationalFinancialMarkets - LE [A00]
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Wu, Pak Yeung
ECON 175 - InternationalFinancialMarkets - LE [B00]
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Wu, Pak Yeung
ECON 178 - MachineLearningEcon&Business - DI [A01]
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Zhu, Ying
ECON 190 - Intro to Research in Economics - LE [A00]
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Vespa, Emanuel Ignacio
ECON 190 - Intro to Research in Economics - LE [B00]
Restricted to Class
Vespa, Emanuel Ignacio
EDS 117 SOCI 117 - Language, Culture & Education - LE [A00]
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Jones, Gabrielle Anastasia
EDS 126 SOCI 126 - Social Organization/Education - LE [A00]
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Jones, Makeba
ENG 100D - Sustainable Development Design - LE [A00]
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Ngo, Anh-Thu T.
ENG 100D - Sustainable Development Design - LE [B00]
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Ngo, Anh-Thu T.
ESYS 10 - Intro to Environmental Systems - LE [A00]
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Shipp, Lauren Elizabeth
ESYS 102 - The Solid and Fluid Earth - LE [A00]
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Haase, Jennifer Susan
ETHN 112B - NativeAm& Indigenous Hist USII - LE [A00]
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Klann, Mary Cameron
GLBH 20 - Introduction to Global Health - LE [A00]
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Walkover, Lillian B
GLBH 100 - Special Topics/Global Health - LE [A00]
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Miller, Amanda Pearl
GLBH 109 - Decolonizing Global Health - LE [A00]
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Olivas Hernandez, Olga Lid
GLBH 113 - Women's Health/Global Persp - LE [A00]
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Wilson, Brenda K
GLBH 160 - Global Health Policy - LE [A00] Mackey, Timothy Ken
GLBH 181 - Essentials of Global Health - LE [A00]
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Burgos, Jose L.
HDS 133 - Cross-Cultural Perspectives - LE [A00]
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Stewart, Alexander B
HDS 181 - Exper Proj/Human Dev. Resear - LE [A00]
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Delgado, Tania
HIEU 147 - Europe and the World I - LE [A00]
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Biess, Frank Peter
HILA 102 - Latin America/Twentieth Centry - LE [A00]
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Cowan, Benjamin A
HILA 121B - History of Brazil 1889-Present - LE [A00]
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Cowan, Benjamin A
HILD 2B - United States History - LE [A00]
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Plant, Rebecca Jo
HILD 7A - Race & Ethnicity/United States - LE [A00]
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Graham, Jessica Lynn
HINE 125 - Jews in Greek and Roman World - LE [A00]
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Balberg, Mira
HISC 115 - History Modern Medicine - LE [A00] Gere, Catherina M.
HITO 133 - War & Society/Second World War - LE [A00]
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Hansen, Jan Eric
HIUS 133 - The Golden Age of Piracy - LE [A00]
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Hanna, Mark G.
LIGN 17 - Making and Breaking Codes - LE [A00]
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Kehler, Andrew Scott
LIGN 101 - Introduction/Study of Language - LE [A00]
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Styler, William Francis
LIGN 111 - Phonology I - LE [A00]
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Bakovic, Eric John
LIGN 112 - Speech Sounds&Speech Disorders - LE [A00]
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Garellek, Marc
LIGN 121 - Syntax I - LE [A00]
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Rodriguez Aispuro, Alejandro
LIGN 148 - Psycholinguist/Gesture&SignLan - LE [A00]
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Mayberry, Rachel
LIGN 150 - Historical Linguistics - LE [A00]
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Garellek, Marc
LIGN 178 - Spanish Sociolinguistics - LE [A00]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1B - Spanish Conversation - TU [A00]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1B - Spanish Conversation - TU [B00]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1B - Spanish Conversation - TU [C00]
Restricted to Class
Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1B - Spanish Conversation - TU [D00]
Restricted to Class
Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1B - Spanish Conversation - TU [E00]
Restricted to Class
Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1B - Spanish Conversation - TU [F00]
Restricted to Class
Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1B - Spanish Conversation - TU [G00]
Restricted to Class
Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1B - Spanish Conversation - TU [H00]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1B - Spanish Conversation - TU [I00]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1B - Spanish Conversation - TU [J00]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1BX - Analysis of Spanish - DI [A00]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1BX - Analysis of Spanish - DI [B00]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1BX - Analysis of Spanish - DI [C00]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1BX - Analysis of Spanish - DI [D00]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1BX - Analysis of Spanish - DI [E00]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1C - Spanish Conversation - TU [001]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1C - Spanish Conversation - TU [002]
Restricted to Class
Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1C - Spanish Conversation - TU [003]
Restricted to Class
Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1C - Spanish Conversation - TU [004]
Restricted to Class
Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1C - Spanish Conversation - TU [005]
Restricted to Class
Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1C - Spanish Conversation - TU [006]
Restricted to Class
Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1C - Spanish Conversation - TU [007]
Restricted to Class
Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1C - Spanish Conversation - TU [008]
Restricted to Class
Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1C - Spanish Conversation - TU [009]
Restricted to Class
Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1C - Spanish Conversation - TU [010]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 1C - Spanish Conversation - TU [011]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LISP 18 - Intermed Spanish/Health Sci - LE [A00]
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Munoz Sanchez, Alicia
LTCS 11 - Legends/Fantasy/Sci-Fi - LE [A00]
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Lampert-Weissig, Lisa
LTEU 150C LTRU 110C - Russian&Soviet Lit/1917-Presnt - LE [B00]
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Morse, Ainsley
LTLA 2 - Intermediate Latin I - LE [A00]
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Murray, Kourtney Kristine
MAE 20 - Elements of Materials Science - LE [A00]
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Evdokimenko, Ekaterina
MAE 30A - Statics & Intro to Dynamics - LE [A00]
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Qi, Huihui
MAE 30A - Statics & Intro to Dynamics - LE [B00]
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Qi, Huihui
MAE 30B - Dynamics and Vibrations - LE [A00] Delson, Nathan Joseph
MAE 40 - Linear Circuits - LE [A00]
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Cortes, Jorge
MAE 101B - Advanced Fluid Mechanics - LE [A00]
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Pham, Hieu Tan
MAE 118 - Intro to Energy & Environment - LE [B00]
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Marinoni, Alessandro
MAE 125 - Building Energy Efficiency - LE [A00]
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Kleissl, Jan
MAE 130 - Advanced Vibrations - LE [A00]
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Frazier, Michael
MAE 131B - Solid Mechanics II - LE [A00]
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Scholtes Acevedo, Claire
MAE 156A - Fund. Prin./Mechanical Desgn I - LE [A00] Gravish, Nicholas G
MAE 160 - Mechanical Behavior/Materials - LE [A00]
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Evdokimenko, Ekaterina
MAE 204 - Robotics - LE [A00]
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Tolley, Michael Thomas
MAE 276 MATS 231 - Mechanics of Soft Materials - LE [A00]
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Cai, Shengqiang
MATH 2 - Intro to College Mathematics - LE [A00]
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Cheng, Hsiao-Bing
MATH 2 - Intro to College Mathematics - LE [B00]
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Cheng, Hsiao-Bing
MATH 3B - Foundations of Precalculus - LE [A00]
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Hammock, Frances H
MATH 3B - Foundations of Precalculus - LE [B00]
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Anzaldo, Leesa B
MATH 3C - Precalculus - LE [A00]
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Hammock, Frances H
MATH 3C - Precalculus - LE [C00]
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Yin, Wei
MATH 10A - Calculus I - LE [C00]
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Chung, Tai-Hsuan
MATH 10A - Calculus I - LE [D00] Briones, Jor-el Thomas Caparas
MATH 10B - Calculus II - LE [A00]
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Zhao, Yizhen
MATH 10B - Calculus II - LE [B00]
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Zhao, Yizhen
MATH 10B - Calculus II - LE [C00]
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Goffer, Gil
MATH 10B - Calculus II - LE [D00]
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Buzaglo, Lucas
MATH 10B - Calculus II - LE [E00]
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Bach, Quang Tran
MATH 10C - Calculus III - LE [A00]
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Nag, Panchali
MATH 10C - Calculus III - LE [B00]
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Nag, Panchali
MATH 11 - Calculus-Based Prob & Stats - LE [A00]
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Rava, Denise
MATH 18 - Linear Algebra - LE [A00]
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Anzaldo, Leesa B
MATH 18 - Linear Algebra - LE [C00]
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Ganesan, Priyanga
MATH 20B - Calculus/Science & Engineering - LE [A00]
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Habib, Yousaf
MATH 20B - Calculus/Science & Engineering - LE [B00]
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Habib, Yousaf
MATH 20C - Calculus&Analyt Geom/Sci&Engnr - LE [C00]
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Yin, Wei
MATH 20D - Intro/Differential Equations - LE [A00]
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Hardiman, Liam
MATH 20D - Intro/Differential Equations - LE [B00]
Restricted to Campus
Hardiman, Liam
MATH 20D - Intro/Differential Equations - LE [C00]
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Gartland, Christopher John
MATH 20D - Intro/Differential Equations - LE [D00]
Restricted to Class
Gartland, Christopher John
MATH 20E - Vector Calculus - LE [A00]
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Bach, Quang Tran
MATH 100A - Abstract Algebra I - LE [A00] Aycock, Jon Merrill
MATH 100B - Abstract Algebra II - LE [A00]
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Rogalski, Daniel
MATH 103A - Modern Algebra I - LE [A00]
Restricted to Class
Buzaglo, Lucas
MATH 103A - Modern Algebra I - LE [B00]
Restricted to Class
Goffer, Gil
MATH 103A - Modern Algebra I - LE [C00]
Restricted to Campus
Wenzl, Hans G
MATH 103B - Modern Algebra II - LE [A00]
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Klevdal, Christian Sleek
MATH 103B - Modern Algebra II - LE [C00]
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Chou, Raymond Oliver
MATH 104B - Number Theory II - LE [A00]
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Kane, Daniel Mertz
MATH 109 - Mathematical Reasoning - LE [A00]
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Ganapathy, Karthik
MATH 109 - Mathematical Reasoning - LE [B00]
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Ganapathy, Karthik
MATH 109 - Mathematical Reasoning - LE [C00] Lu, Yunze
MATH 109 - Mathematical Reasoning - LE [D00]
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Nandi, Achinta Kumar
MATH 109 - Mathematical Reasoning - LE [E00]
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Xiao, Ming
MATH 112A MATH 212A - Intro/Mathematical Biology I - LE [A00] Komarova, Natalia
MATH 140B - Foundations/Real Analysis II - LE [A00]
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Zlatos, Andrej
MATH 140B - Foundations/Real Analysis II - LE [B00] Lu, Yunze
MATH 142A - Introduction to Analysis I - LE [A00]
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Parise, Davide
MATH 142A - Introduction to Analysis I - LE [B00]
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Seward, Brandon M.
MATH 142A - Introduction to Analysis I - LE [C00]
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Nandi, Achinta Kumar
MATH 154 - Discrete Math & Graph Theory - LE [B00]
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Tesler, Glenn
MATH 170A - Intro Numerical Analys/Linear - LE [A00]
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Dumitriu, Ioana
MATH 170A - Intro Numerical Analys/Linear - LE [B00]
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Dumitriu, Ioana
MATH 171A - Intro Num Optimiz/Linear Prog - LE [A00]
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Huang, Lei
MATH 175 MATH 275 - Numerical Methods for PDE - LE [A00] Briones, Jor-el Thomas Caparas
MATH 180A - Introduction to Probability - LE [A00]
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Peca-Medlin, John Michael
MATH 181A - Intro/Math Statistics I - LE [A00] Quarfoot, David James
MATH 181A - Intro/Math Statistics I - LE [B00] Quarfoot, David James
MATH 183 - Statistical Methods - LE [A00]
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Vishwanath, Siddharth
MATH 184 - Enumerative Combinatorics - LE [A00]
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Chou, Raymond Oliver
MATH 185 - Intro to Computational Stats - LE [A00]
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Rava, Denise
MATH 186 - Probablty Stats/Bioinformatics - LE [A00]
Restricted to Class
Tesler, Glenn
MATH 189 - Data Analysis and Inference - LE [A00]
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Vishwanath, Siddharth
MATH 190A - Foundations of Topology I - LE [A00]
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McKernan, James
MATH 200B - Algebra II - LE [A00]
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Salehi Golsefidy, Alireza
MATH 203B - Algebraic Geometry II - LE [B00]
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Oprea, Dragos N.
MATH 220B - Complex Analysis - LE [A00]
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Xiao, Ming
MATH 231B - Partial Diff Equations II - LE [A00]
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Zlatos, Andrej
MATH 240B - Real Analysis II - LE [A00]
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Spolaor, Luca
MATH 250B - Differential Geometry - LE [A00]
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Oprea, Dragos N.
MATH 257A - Topics in Diff Geometry - LE [B00]
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Roberts, Justin Deritter
MATH 277A - Topics in Comp&Applied Math - LE [A00]
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Ding, Lijun
MATH 282B - Applied Statistics II - LE [A00]
Restricted to Campus
Arias-Castro, Ery
MMW 12 - Transforming Traditions - LE [B00]
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Adamiak, Patrick John
MMW 14 - Divergent Paths to Modernity - LE [B00]
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Hertz, Deborah
MMW 122 - Exploring the Modern World - LE [B00] Rahimi, Babak
NANO 11 - Intro to NanoEngineering - LE [A00]
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Fenning, David
NANO 104 - Foundatn NanoEng/Physical Prin - LE [A00]
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Vazquez Mena, Oscar
NANO 107 - Elect Dev&Circuits for NanoEng - LE [A00]
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Cubukcu, Ertugrul
NANO 117 - Multi-scale Transport - LE [A00]
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Cubukcu, Ertugrul
NANO 141A - Eng Mech I- Analysis of Equil - LE [A00]
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Lubarda, Vlado
NANO 168 - Electr/Dielectr/Magnetic Propr - LE [A00]
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Fullerton, Eric E
NANO 206 - Nanomanufacturing - LE [A00]
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Chen, Shaochen
PH 91 - Topics in Public Health - LE [A00]
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Harrell, Maralee Mae
PH 102 - Biostatistics in Public Health - LE [A00]
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Rana, Brinda Kanti
PH 110 - HealthBehavior/Chronic Disease - LE [A00]
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Hartman, Sheri R
PH 110 - HealthBehavior/Chronic Disease - LE [B00]
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Hartman, Sheri R
PH 130 - Environment/OccupationalHealth - LE [A00]
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Kayser, Georgia Lyn
PH 193 - Public Health Capstone I - LE [C00]
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Nguyen-Grozavu, France T.
PH 193 - Public Health Capstone I - LE [D00]
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Nguyen-Grozavu, France T.
PHIL 10 - Introduction to Logic - LE [A00]
Restricted to Campus
Carr, Jennifer Rose
PHIL 12 - Scientific Reasoning - LE [A00]
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Kovaka, Karenc
PHIL 16 - Science Fiction and Philosophy - LE [A00]
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Harrell, Maralee Mae
PHIL 32 - Philosphy & Rise of Modern Sci - LE [A00]
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Johnson, Monte
PHIL 51 - Climate Ethics - LE [A00]
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Kovaka, Karenc
PHYS 1A - Mechanics - LE [A00]
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Tsai, Philbert S
PHYS 1B - Electricity and Magnetism - LE [A00]
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Smith, Douglas E
PHYS 1B - Electricity and Magnetism - LE [B00]
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Smith, Douglas E
PHYS 1C - Waves, Optics & Modern Physics - LE [A00]
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Bal, Gurleen K
PHYS 2A - Physics-Mechanics - LE [A00]
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Bal, Gurleen K
PHYS 2B - Phys-Electricity and Magnetism - LE [A00]
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Shotwell, Brian
PHYS 2C - Physics-Flu,Wav,Thrmdyn,Optics - LE [A00]
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Jun, Suckjoon
PHYS 4A - Physics/Physics Majrs-Mechancs - LE [A00]
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Averitt, Richard Douglas
PHYS 4D - Phys Majrs-EM Wav,Spec Rel,Opt - LE [A00]
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Frano Pereira, Alex M
PHYS 12 - Energy and the Environment - LE [A00]
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Branson, James G
PHYS 41 - Scientific Computing w/ Python - LE [A00]
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Green, Daniel Richard
PHYS 105A - Mathematical&Computatnl Phy I - LE [A00]
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Lin, Tongyan
PHYS 124 - Laboratory Projects - LE [A00]
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Arnold, Kam S
PHYS 130C - Quantum Physics III - LE [A00] You, Yizhuang
PHYS 136 - Nuclear Physics - LE [A00]
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Grinstein, Benjamin
PHYS 160 - Stars and Compact Objects - LE [A00]
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Fuller, George Michael
POLI 10D - Intro/Poli Sci-Amer Politics - LE [A00]
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Noble, Benjamin S
POLI 11D - Intro/Poli Sci-Compar Politics - DI [A01]
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Desposato, Scott
POLI 11D - Intro/Poli Sci-Compar Politics - LE [A00]
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Desposato, Scott
POLI 104B - Civil Liberties-Fundmntl Rghts - LE [A00]
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Smith, Glenn Chatmas
POLI 108 - Politics of Multiculturalism - LE [A00]
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Adida, Claire
POLI 120G - British Politics - LE [A00]
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Fisk, David Lee
POLI 127 - Politics of Development - LE [A00]
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Feeley, Maureen Catherine
POLI 135 - Comparative LGBT Politics - LE [A00]
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Fisk, David Lee
POLI 147B - Russian-American Relations - LE [A00] Roeder, Philip G
POLI 153 - The EU in World Politics - LE [A00]
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Fisk, David Lee
PSYC 1 - Psychology - LE [A00]
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Wennberg, Janna Wold
PSYC 2 - Gen Psych-Biological Foundatns - LE [A00]
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Moranton, Nirelia Melbina-
PSYC 4 - General Psychology- Behavioral - LE [A00]
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Anagnostaras, Stephan
PSYC 60 - Introduction to Statistics - LE [A00]
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Lowe, Angela Beth
PSYC 70 - Research Methods in Psychology - LE [A00]
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Geller, Emma Harlan
PSYC 71 - Lab/Psych Research Methods - LE [A00]
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Pilegard, Celeste Cristine
PSYC 71 - Lab/Psych Research Methods - LE [B00]
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Lowe, Angela Beth
PSYC 101 - Developmental Psychology - LE [A00]
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Walker, Caren Michelle
PSYC 102 - Sensory Neuroscience - LE [A00]
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Gentner, Tim
PSYC 105 - Cognitive Psychology - LE [A00]
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Brady, Timothy Francis
PSYC 106 - Behavioral Neuroscience - LE [A00]
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Dobkins, Karen R.
PSYC 108 - Cognitive Neuroscience - LE [A00]
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Adrian, Julia Anna
PSYC 111A - Research Methods I - LE [A00]
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Geller, Emma Harlan
PSYC 137 - Social Cognition - LE [A00]
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Lin, Chujun
PSYC 144 - Memory and Amnesia - LE [A00]
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Yilmaz, Anne Sheyda
PSYC 153 - Psychology of Emotion - LE [A00]
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Harris, Christine Renee
PSYC 154 - Behavior Modification - LE [B00] Lacefield, Katharine I
PSYC 162 - Psychology and the Law - LE [A00]
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Wixted, John T
PSYC 168 - Psychological Disorders/Child - LE [A00]
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Chapman, Eddie Nathaniel
PSYC 172 - Psychology of Human Sexuality - LE [A00]
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Dickenson, Janna Alene
PSYC 175 - Mindfulness and Wellbeing - SE [A00]
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Dobkins, Karen R.
PSYC 179 - Drugs,Addiction&Mental Disordr - LE [A00] Lacefield, Katharine I
PSYC 181 - Drugs And Behavior - LE [A00]
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Anagnostaras, Stephan
PSYC 184 - Choice and Self-Control - LE [A00]
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Wilson, Brent M
PSYC 185 - Psychology Climate Crisis - LE [A00]
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Aron, Adam
PSYC 187 - Development/Social Cognition - LE [A00]
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Schachner, Adena
PSYC 193 - Topics in Psychology - LE [B00]
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Pilegard, Celeste Cristine
SE 101A - Mechanics I- Statics - LE [A00]
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Van Den Einde, Yael Dahlia
SE 102 - Intro. to Computing for Eng. - LE [A00]
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Jandaghi Semnani, Shabnam
SE 103 - Conceptual Structural Design - LE [A00]
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Van Den Einde, Yael Dahlia
SE 201B - Nonlinear Structural Analysis - LE [A00]
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Conte, Joel P
SE 203A - Structural Dynamics I - LE [A00]
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Tsampras, Georgios
SE 232 - Machine Learning in Comp Mechs - LE [A00]
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Jandaghi Semnani, Shabnam
SE 242 - Adv. Foundation Engineering - LE [B00]
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Tomac, Ingrid
SIO 3 - Life in the Oceans - LE [A00]
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Aburto Oropeza, Marco Octavio
SIO 25 - Climate Change and Society - LE [A00]
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Rivera-Collazo, Isabel C
SIO 107 - Water Pollution - LE [A00]
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Schartup, Amina Bocary
SIO 119 - Physics and Chem of the Oceans - LE [A00] Send, Uwe
SIO 123 - Microbial Env Systems Biology - LE [A00]
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Allen, Andrew Ellis
SIO 133 - Marine Mammal Biology - LE [A00]
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Baumann-Pickering , Simone
SIO 162 - Structural Geology - LE [A00]
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Wright, Vashan
SIO 178 - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics - LE [A00]
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Becker, Janet Maria
SIO 187 - Stat Methods in Marine Biology - LE [A00]
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Kacev, David
SIOC 200C - Ocean Acoustics&Signal ProcIII - LE [A00]
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Lin, Ying-Tsong
SIOC 202A - Fundamentals of Wave Physics - LE [A00]
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Hao, Xuanting
SIOC 208 - Seminar/Applied Ocean Sciences - SE [A00]
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Merrifield, Mark A
SIOC 211A - Ocean Waves I - LE [A00]
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Mackinnon, Jennifer A.
SIOC 217D - Atmospheric & Climate Sci IV - LE [A00]
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Keeling, Ralph F.
SIOC 219 - Spec Topics/Physical Oceanogra - SE [A00]
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Mackinnon, Jennifer A.
SIOC 221B - Analysis/Physical Ocean Data - LE [A00]
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Gille, Sarah T
SIOG 260 - Marine Chemistry - LE [A00]
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Schartup, Amina Bocary
SOCI 135 - Medical Sociology - LE [A00]
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Payne, Christine Anna
SOCI 148 - Political Sociology - LE [A00]
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Payne, Christine Anna
TDGE 1 - Introduction to Theatre - LE [A00]
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Salovey, Todd
USP 2 - Urban World System - LE [A00]
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Pezzoli, Keith
USP 5 - Intro to Real Estate/Develmnt - LE [A00]
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Sun, Feiyang
USP 15 - Urban Econ/Plan&Development - DI [A01]
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Anderson, William Raymond
USP 15 - Urban Econ/Plan&Development - LE [A00]
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Anderson, William Raymond
USP 25 - Real Estate/Principle&Analysis - LE [A00]
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Shenkman, Michael Thomas
USP 108 - Planning Theories - LE [A00]
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Pezzoli, Keith
USP 124 - Land Use Planning - LE [A00] Fulton, William
USP 138 - Urban Economic Development - SE [A00]
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Anderson, William Raymond
USP 151 - Real Estate Plan & Development - LE [A00]
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Boomhower, Matthew Charles
USP 153 - Real Estate&DevMarket Analysis - LE [A00]
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Shenkman, Michael Thomas
USP 170 - Planning for Sustainable Comm - LE [A00]
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Entezam, Maryam
USP 185B - Real Estate Fin/Dev Studio II - LE [A00]
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Boomhower, Matthew Charles
USP 185B - Real Estate Fin/Dev Studio II - LE [B00]
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Sun, Feiyang
USP 187 - Senior Seq. Research Project - LE [B00]
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Martin, Isaac
VIS 21B - Introduction/Asian Art - LE [A00]
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Shen, Kuiyi
VIS 22 - Formations of Modern Art - LE [A00]
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Rose, Jordan M